Simplify ALM

Quilo’s patent pending technology can be the ultimate ALM tool for managing your balance sheet and increasing earnings while mitigating risk.

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Introducing the Quilo network.

The first real-time, fully digital lending network that provides its participants with the liquidity they need to service any loan, instantly at the time of underwriting.

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Quilo allows you to service more customers in your community that you would otherwise turn away, by funding larger loans with longer terms without additional risk.

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When liquidity is tight, banks and credit unions can struggle to maintain a consistent flow in their indirect lending loan portfolios. Indirect lending can be a powerful way to maintain profitability and increase net interest margin.

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Quilo allows you to fund larger loans with longer terms while lowering your credit concentration risk. You get guaranteed, on-demand fractional loan participation at the point of underwriting, in real time.

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Quilo is a game changer.

Greg Judy

Senior Vice President, Director of Information Technology at South Georgia Banking Company

Trusted by +50 Financial Institutions

Learn how Quilo can help you book more loans, diversify your portfolio and reduce risk.

Don Shafer
Co-founder & Chief Evangelist

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